Tiger Head understands the need for efficiency, which is why our rechargeable batteries feature fast-charging technology. This allows users to spend less time waiting and more time using their devices, enhancing productivity and convenience.
These rechargeable batteries are ideal travel buddies for people who have a need to keep their gadgets powered while on the move. The compact and light design means you can easily slot them into your suitcase or backpack without issues. Their extended life ensures you will never be left without juice – be it during a work journey, holiday or outdoor adventure. With these rechargeable travel-friendly batteries, brought to you by Tiger Head, staying connected and charged is possible wherever in the world one may find themselves.
Tiger Head batteries are rechargeable cells which supply substantial power for a long time. This makes them perfect for gadgets with continuous need over longer durations. The high-capacity cell of our battery can be charged again and again – more than three hundred times – so you don’t have to change it frequently, consequently saving cash eventually. For this reason if you want to keep your remote control ready for the evening entertainment or power up a flashlight during outdoor adventures; Tiger Head batteries are the right source of unending power.
Tiger Head rechargeable batteries are designed with advanced thermal management technology to work optimally under any circumstances. When you use your gadgets in cold or hot places, our batteries can keep their temperature regulated which enables them supply steady power and last longer. This implies that even during extreme weather conditions, your devices will still operate at their highest efficiencies thereby assuring you of continuous power backup all the time.
Tiger Head custom rechargeable batteries provide a personalized approach to power for companies and persons with distinct energy needs. We collaborate closely with you in order to learn what exactly you require, no matter whether it is special voltage, size or shape; then we make such battery packs which can fit into all your devices or applications just right. From advanced electronic gadgets through industrial machinery – our bespoke rechargeables guarantee that the origin of electricity matches up with every detail specified by you thus ensuring best performance and dependability at all times.
이 회사의 브랜드에는 "Tiger Head", "HW", "555", "TIHAD", "Lighting", "funmily", "Wivin" 등이 있습니다. 상표 "Tiger Head"는 광저우와 광둥성에서 "중국 유명 상표"입니다. 또한 "555"와 "Tiger Head" 브랜드는 광저우의 "오래된 브랜드"이기도 합니다.
Tiger Head Battery Group의 주요 제품은 USB 충전식 배터리, Micro USB 충전식 배터리, Type-C 충전식 배터리, 자동차 점프 스타터, 공기 압축기, 배터리 및 충전기 등입니다.
Tiger Head 점프 스타터는 가장 완고한 엔진도 손쉽게 되살릴 수 있는 인상적인 출력을 자랑합니다. 최첨단 기술을 갖춘 이 제품은 언제나 빠르고 안정적인 시동을 보장합니다.
Tiger Head의 충전식 배터리의 편리함을 경험하세요. 장수명과 효율성을 위해 설계되었습니다. 당사의 배터리는 수많은 충전을 제공하여 모든 요구 사항에 대한 지속 가능한 전력 솔루션을 제공합니다.
다양한 기기와 호환되는 Tiger Head USB 배터리 충전기로 연결을 유지하세요. 당사의 충전기는 빠르고 효율적인 충전을 제공하여 기기가 항상 전원이 공급되고 사용할 준비가 되도록 보장합니다.
Tiger Head는 다양한 차량 유형과 배터리 크기에 적합한 다양한 점프 스타터를 제공합니다.
네, Tiger Head 점프 스타터는 추운 기온을 포함한 다양한 기상 조건에서 효과적으로 작동하도록 설계되었습니다.
네, Tiger Head 점프 스타터는 가솔린과 디젤 엔진 모두에 호환되도록 설계되었습니다.