Beyond jump starting, Tiger Head devices serve multiple purposes. They double as power banks for charging mobile devices, include built-in LED flashlights with SOS functions for emergencies, and some models offer additional features like air compressors or USB-C compatibility, making them versatile companions for all your power needs.
Tiger Head transportable jump starter is the best friend of every driver. Its features are small and light, so it can be put in your glove compartment or trunk that guarantees you always have electricity when required. This handy device has easy controls and strong charging functions which makes it perfect for maintaining good condition of your car during trips anywhere around the world.
We created the travel-safe jump starter to give peace of mind on every journey. This jump starter has safe connections as well as an interface that is easy to use. Whether one is going on a long drive or doing chores around town, our travel-safe jump starter guarantees preparedness for unexpected eventualities all the time thus providing confidence to face any adventure boldly.
A stable inner surrounding is maintained by the Tiger Head thermal protection jump starter thus shielding a car battery from overheating or freezing. Whether you are putting away your jump starter in a heated garage or chilling trunk, our thermal protection guarantees that the vehicle’s battery stays ready-to-start at peak performance level even in an instant.
The most effective way to deal with sudden battery failures is by using Tiger Head jump starter. Our jump starter is made for fast and simple operation where it gives a strong charge to enable you continue driving immediately. Our jump starter comes in handy when your battery dies out in a deserted area or when all you need is some extra push to kick start your day.
Robne marke tvrtke uključuju "Tiger Head", "HW", "555", "TIHAD", "Lighting", "funmily" i "Wivin", itd. Zaštitni znak "Tiger Head" je "Kineski dobro poznati zaštitni znak" u Guangzhou kao i u provinciji Guangdong. Nadalje, brendovi "555" i "Tiger Head" također su "vremenski počašćeni brend" Guangzhoua.
Tiger Head Battery Group glavni proizvod USB punjive baterije, mikro USB punjive baterije, tip-C punjive baterije, autopokretač, sa zračnim kompresorom, baterija i punjač, itd.
Naši Tiger Head starteri mogu se pohvaliti impresivnom izlaznom snagom koja bez napora oživljava čak i najtvrdokornije motore. S vrhunskom tehnologijom, naše jedinice osiguravaju brzo i pouzdano pokretanje, svaki put.
Doživite praktičnost Tiger Head punjivih baterija, dizajniranih za dugovječnost i učinkovitost. Naše baterije nude bezbrojna punjenja, pružajući održiva rješenja za napajanje za sve vaše potrebe.
Ostanite povezani uz Tiger Head USB punjače baterija, kompatibilne sa širokim rasponom uređaja. Naši punjači pružaju brzo i učinkovito punjenje, osiguravajući da su vaši uređaji uvijek pod naponom i spremni za rad.
Tiger Head nudi niz pokretača prikladnih za različite tipove vozila i veličine akumulatora.
Da, Tiger Head starteri dizajnirani su za učinkovit rad u različitim vremenskim uvjetima, uključujući niske temperature.
Da, Tiger Head starteri dizajnirani su da budu kompatibilni s benzinskim i dizelskim motorima.